Tomáš Akvinský
Studia Neoaristotelica

ROČNÍK 2 (2005)ČÍSLO 1

Tomáš Machula

Hylemorphismus disputatus

Dissertationis argumentum materiae et formae conceptus sunt, qui doctrinae Aristotelis hylemorphicae fundamentum esse videntur. Doctrinam hylemorphicam magnam vim ad scholasticos philosophiae naturalis cultores habuisse et adhuc habere inter omnes constat. Auctor adumbratis hylemorphismi principiis, quid aliqui nostrae aetatis viri docti de hac doctrina sentiant, in dissertatione ostendit.

The problems of hylomorphism

The article deals with the concepts of matter and form. These concepts belong to the Aristotelian theory of hylomorphism which was very influential in the Middle-Ages and in the early modern second-scholastic cosmology. At present, this theory is discussed by authors of both scholastic and analytical backgrounds. The article presents and discusses some of the recent commentaries on this topic.

Jan Duns Scotus