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Thomas Akvinas
Studia Neoaristotelica


We welcome all kinds of submissions that comply with the orientation of the journal as defined in the Mission Statement: scholarly articles, notes, discussions, editions, book reviews, etc. Papers can be written from either historical or systematic perspective, but should at least tangentially relate to either scholasticism or analytical philosophy, preferably combining the two.

The formal requirements on manuscripts ready for publication are summarized below. For detailed guidelines with examples see the documents at the bottom of the page.

  • Language: For the English issues English (preferably British); exceptionally accepted Latin and other major world languages. The paper must be submitted as corrected by a competent native speaker. For the Czech/Slovak issues Czech or Slovak is required.

  • File format: DOC or RTF. We do not normally accept DOCX and PDF. In case your paper contains unusual characters, logical formulas or some other special formatting, it is advisable to provide also a pdf version. For polytonic Greek and other non-Latin text use the Unicode encoding.

  • Images: Use the following resolution: black & white images: 1200 dpi; greyscale images: 600 dpi. Place your images directly into the text; in addition, provide the source files. Full-colour images will be greyscaled.

  • Citation style: Use Chicago-Style, the “Notes & Bibliography” method. For classical philosophical works, use standard abbreviations and citation method. A footnote reference number should follow any punctuation as a rule.

  • Quotation style:(1) Short “inline” quotations: use double quotes and no italics. Place punctuation not belonging to the quotation outside of the quotation marks (British style). (2) Block quotations: type as a separate paragraph in smaller type, no quotes, no italics. (3) Quotations in footnotes: use double quotes; source reference should either introduce the quotation (with a colon) or follow after an n-dash. Use square brackets to set off text which is not part of the quotation (including ellipsis signalling abridgement). Use angle and curly brackets respectively for suggested editorial insertions and cancellations. Extensive quotations in original languages should be avoided, unless for a special reason. Quotations should normally be translated into the language of the article, the original being placed in the footnotes.
  • Things to avoid: multiple adjoining spaces, tab for paragraph indent, underlines, bold type or underlining for emphasis (use italics), footnote references in title and headings, more than three heading levels, hyphen/dash/minus sign misuse.
  • Abstract: Provide an abstract of 1000–1500 characters in English and Latin (you can ask the editors to translate for you). This does not apply to reviews, discussions etc.

E-mail manuscripts to as two files, containing the following items:

File one:

  • the anonymized paper

File two:

  • the abstract(s)
  • list of keywords
  • author’s name, affiliation and scholarly profile
  • author’s e-mail address
  • author’s postal address
  • author’s personal website address (if any)

All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed. We reserve the right to reject submissions not deemed suitable.


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John Duns Scotus